Monday, 13 March 2017

Proart By Satyam

How to Draw a Nose Step By Step Easy Nose Drawing in 10 Steps

How to Draw a Nose 

how to draw a nose

Hey, Artist!!!

Today I'm going to give a tutorial on the facial features. Nose is one of the most importance parts of our face. Here is a very simple step by step easy drawing art tutorial on How to Draw a Nose.

Nose drawing is really a very importance aspect of creating a portrait.

Must visit easy step by step eyes drawing tutorial to master your skill in creating a portrait. 

when you think of drawing nose front view imagine the shapes and angles, In fact, no matter what you are drawing keep it easy and simple. It's better to break down the things into simple shapes and then add more details to simplified form as you progress.

this technique always works when you are starting out as an artist.

You will need:
  • 2 different pencils - a dark 6B pencil or above and a light pencil HB.
  • Drawing sheet
  • Eraser 

Just follow the steps below to draw a nose.

Step 1
Draw a vertical line on the drawing sheet.

Do remember don't press the pencil too hard in the beginning and always starts rough sketch by light HB pencil.  

how to draw nose

Step 2
At the bottom of the vertical line draw a couple of circle at some distance.

how to draw nose

Step 3
Just below the base of the vertical line draw one more circle, this circle must cut the other circle. As you can see in the figure below.

how to draw nose

Step 4
Follow the steps objected out in the figure, darken the sidebar and the base(middle circle) area of the circle. This will ensure the basic structure of the nose.
how to draw nose

Step 5
Erase the circles leave the darker sidebar and the base area. As you can see here below in the figure, the bottom of the nose structure is taking its shape.

how to draw nose

Step 6
Draw a couple of curves for nostril as directed in the below figure. 

how to draw realistic nose

Step 7
Darken the nostril and draw a couple of vertical lines parallel to the single line.

how to draw nose

Step 8
Sketch onto two parallel vertical line and smudge it with your fingertip or use cotton. 
read this article to understand the smudging technique

nose sketch

Step 9
Need some more shading and finishing

nose drawing

Step 10
Final step! just do some finishing ... and nose sketch is ready!

how to draw nose

As I mentioned above the nose is the most important part of the portrait, if nose drawing is too small or too big your portrait will don't look good.

                                                               The nose and the eyes are by far the most important part of the facial feature and for the portrait. So, keep practising this tutorial on Nose drawing. 

If you enjoyed this tutorial on How to Draw Nose then you might also like this tutorial How to Draw Realistic Eyes.

Post your drawing below in the comment and discuss query and problem regarding this tutorial.

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23 April 2017 at 20:48 delete

awesome drawing.. thnks for this post bro

25 April 2017 at 17:45 delete

thanks bro!
thanks for visiting
