Friday, 12 May 2017

Proart By Satyam

How To Draw a Butterfly Step by Step easy drawing tutorial

How To Draw a Butterfly

how to draw a butterfly

Drawing is fun, right? 

It is one of the most interesting activities that we all have been interested in, at some point of our life.

 It lets us forget all our worries, problems and frustrations while motivating us to battle against them and come out as a triumphant. 

                                                  So to satiate your desire to draw, we are providing you with a method to draw step by step your favourite insect—butterfly. So have a look: How to Draw a Butterfly

Start with the head of the butterfly drawing

If you want to draw a butterfly, you have to start by drawing the head of the butterfly. How can you do it? You can do it by first sketching in a circle to attain the shape of the head. Then after that, you have to draw two small ovals on either side of the circles for the eyes. 

Create the butterfly's antennae

After getting done with the head and eyes of the butterfly, move to its antennae. How can you draw its antennae? It seems to be a very difficult task, but it is not. See how:  Start drawing two lines on the top of the head for antennae. Then add two small ovals at the tip of each of them to complete the picture of antennae.

Draw the body

After getting done with head, antennae and eyes of the butterfly, you have to draw the body.

 To draw the body, you first have to draw two ovals, one of them should be a regular one.

 The regular one should be drawn under the head while an elongated one should be drawn below the head to form the tail end of a butterfly.

Add in the wings

Now after drawing the body, come to the wings. First, draw the top wings to get a clear idea of how wings should be drawn. 

To draw the top wings, first draw two large triangular shapes having rounded sides. After drawing that, draw the bottom wings. 

For the bottom wings, you have to draw two rounded triangular shapes, smaller in size than that of the top wings. 

Design the wings

After drawing the wings, come to the designing part. This is the fun part as it lets you show your creative flair. 

When it comes to designing the wings, you have two options available: to copy a preexisting butterfly's wing design or give yourself a chance to show your knack for creativity

. We can suggest you a few ideas to design the wings: add in some designs such as circles and ovals.

 Make sure to draw clearly what you draw on the right wing on the left wing too, as symmetry is the key to designing a butterfly.

Outline your butterfly with a fine marker

After completing the design of the wings, outline your butterfly with a fine marker as it will highlight the features of a butterfly and make it look more prominent and detailed. 

Color It

Now here comes the fun part. Coloring. You can color it the way you want, without forcing yourself to do it the right way, because there is no right way to color it.

 You can color it the way you want without following a particular guideline or a track. Choose to color it as per your own choice.

 Don't take any guidelines from others while coloring the butterfly. Just let yourself decide the colors and their texture. 

Don't let anyone intervene in your creative zone.

Give it a finishing touch

Now after coloring your butterfly, give it a finishing touch. Make sure the picture is exactly the way you wanted it to be. 

If not, then try to make a few changes to it. It will look better.

Author Bio

Katy Ciara is a passionate blog writer as well custom academic writer, he always tries to help students Write an Essay For Me by helping them in their assignments.


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